Friday, September 12, 2008

feet shufflin'

weeeeeeeeeel. i have a) crossed the bridge to intolerance or b) have decided that i really, truly cannot be friends with republicans.

i just got in an argument - a big one - with a close friend of mine. she said gay rights are state rights (though she can cheat on her husband, jesus forgives that) and that rach and i should move to boston if we don't want our wedding to be a logistical nightmare or want to be treated equally.

then she repeated the lies that barack wants to teach 6 year olds sex ed, which is patently untrue. after i told her what he was trying to do (stop sexual predators) she then told me that becuase i don't have kids, i can't tell her or anyone how to educate them.

i told her in response that knowledge saves kids lives, not fairy tales, and if someone came to get her daughter in the split second those things happen, some age appropriate training (like screaming NO or whatever) would help her a lot more than my little pony. she got, ahem, a little angry with me over that, and asked me to take it back, but i didn't cause i believe it.

then she said mccain was different than bush, that mccain/palin would NEVER overturn abortion, that we need to drill now and forever, that the iraq war turned out just fine, that she likes her money and barack will take it.

i was shocked, still reeling over the "gay rights are state rights" thing, and just stopped the conversation and walked away.

so i'm not sure what this means.

it worries me. i don't want to be intolerant. but i don't think i can be friends with people who i think are ignorant, either. i loved the ron paul republicans! it's the bush ilk that i cannot seem to stomach anymore. oh please don't let me start turning intolerant. but why do i see it as an intelligence thing? shit.

maybe i need therapy.

1 comment:

MAV said...

i have the same struggle. how can i truly be friends with someone who truly believes my wife and i should be treated as second class citizens??