Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pat Robertson in Pearls

So I was in knots after listening to the speech last night delivered by one extraordinary lady, Sarah Palin.

My feelings on palin: 1) admiration 2) pleased that this race is historic on many levels 3) amused at the Repubs’ desperate pick 4) ready for Biden to knock her out during the debates. I mean, with a woman who just traveled internationally for the first time TWO years ago, does she have a snowball’s chance in hell of knowing the names of the world leaders? I don’t think so.

I’m conflicted, because despite disagreeing with pretty much everything she believes in, I want to like her. She’s no hypocrite, she’s a DIY’er, and she’s reform minded. There is a lot to admire in her.

Her speech last night was incredible….as incredible as Hillary’s a week ago.

Which is why I’m worried for the first time.

She’s a heartbeat away from a would be president who is 72 and has had recurring cancer…she has ZERO foreign policy experience, she has zero respect for science, she doesn’t believe in gay marriage or civil unions, she hates all abortion, including rape and incest, AND she believes in abstinence! I mean, I personally don’t know anyone this extremely right in my personal life, and I am friends with some republicans! Didn’t the right learn its lessons from Bush, that going so far right isn’t good? She makes Bush look like Ted Kennedy!

But she’s so appealing, and most Americans are stupid enough to vote on “who I’d like to have a beer with” rather than “who is smarter than me and can lead this country.”

(and by the way, why do the republicans hate intellectualism so much? When did it become a bad thing to be smart, and aren’t these republicans the same ones who send their kids to Harvard and yale, and hold Wharton School MBA’s themselves? Is this 1984 and I just didn’t get the memo? Truly perplexing.)

The Dems were so gracious to McCain, which I applaud them for, during their convention, but the first mention I heard of Obama in a positive light from the Repubs was from Mike Huckabee, of all people. Barack stood up for Palin and told the media to back off her children, which I applaud him for. and what does she do? She makes fun of him being a community organizer? Of writing two best selling books that got his family out of debt? She mocks him for his supporters idolizing him? Below the belt, Palin, and unbecoming.

So dems. Please, I know this will be hard. But get your balls out and fight like men. This is going to be a nasty campaign – your convention vs. the repubs prove that – and you can’t play nice anymore. MAN UP. Don’t’ be afraid of that pit bull in a skirt, she’s just pat Robertson with pearls on. If you lose this, it’s your own damn fault.

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