Tuesday, May 27, 2008

extra crunchy

Last night I made a squash casserole (hat tip to oprah) with my very own squashes and onions that rach and I planted from seed. I’ve had gardens before, and I’ve certainly grown squash, but I’ve never grown enough to actually make a dish. Rach used our basil to make a lovely pesto sauce for the pork. It was just…awesome.

We had a discussion about the viability of one day owning livestock and slaughtering them…it would be much more healthy, not to mention humane, than buying meat from Kroger but is it possible to disassociate from the emotions of living with animals? I mean, I personify my car and other inanimate objects…so the thought of eating snape the pig that I knew as a baby makes me feel dizzy. However, logically, it makes so much sense…to know where one’s food comes from, to care for it, etc. makes one appreciate things more, I think. But is it possible? I just don’t know.

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